Welcome to GSI International!

Recently, GSI (Grand Square International) Leaders from Europe, Japan, the US and others formed a plan to get to know each other—and others we will meet in the future, much better. We started with a brief outline, hoping to tell you more about ourselves. We call the document “Who is GSI?”. With no small effort, we have exchanged the document with GSI Leaders in many countries, some of whom have personally translated this into an “official” version in their own native language.

In addition, the technology wizards at Google seemed to be thinking exactly what we were thinking, and we now have added the amazing Google Translate button/function to many pages on this site. It is free to use, and easy as well. If our site is displayed in a language other than your own, simply click the button, select your preferred language from the drop down menu and—now, we are speaking your language!

As we travel around the world, meet new friends, shake hands, dance and connect our organization with yours we begin to broaden the horizons of square dancing as a whole. Sometimes our time together is brief and our languages spoken diverse, leaving much to be discovered about each other. Recent updates to this website, and social media are promising.

World Headquarters

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

New and Noteworthy